This is a really big magazine in the homeschool arena. The ebooks will be listed soon. We just signed the contracts so everything is ready to go. We are really excited because they liked all of our ebooks and wanted to sell them in their store!
What is so amazing is that a year ago, I contacted them and asked if they would sell our Battle Book and Armored Glove Book (that was all we had back then). They said no and that was fine.
Then at the GHEA conference a reviewer for their Homeschool Blogger saw our materials and suggested we have it reviewed for more exposure. We checked into it but the cost was beyond our meager budget. So no go there.
Then just the other day I get an email from The Old Schoolhouse asking us to sell in their ebook store as things had changed and they were adding new products! Wahoo! Yes! So we filled out all the forms and sent them the necessary docs and we are on the way!
Will you please pray that they sell well? It would be so awesome to see our children prosper, as they get all the proceeds of the ebooks.
Just for your information, you can buy the ebooks directly from our websites. We get all of the money from our website and we get a royalty from TOS. (But we are so happy with the exposure from TOS!!)
Julia's site is Jewels by Julia and she is selling her How to Create series. Check it out HERE.
My sons' website is Warfare by Duct Tape and they have 4 books for sale. Check it out HERE.
AND, the other big news is that Julia has her jewelry in a local shop now! It is a very nice shop with high end clothing and shoes. They bought the jewelry outright instead of consignment which is so good for Julia.
Here it is displayed at the store. If you are local, please email me or leave a comment and I'll tell you where it is. :)
We are rejoicing here as a family! We are so blessed and we are so grateful. God truly is good!

Huzzah! :D I'm so excited for our family businesses that are currently booming! Thanks for posting about it, Mama. :D (Note: I am a part of your blog post again) :D
I love you!! ;)
We are so happy you are in the Schoolhouse Store. Praying the Lord blesses your family business abundantly!
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