Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I've Been Awarded!

My sweet daughter Julia, awarded me this Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank You!!

I am awarding this to:
Kimba at A Soft Place to Land
Cindy at An Army for the Lord
Michelle at She Looketh Well
Gina at Chats With An Old Lady

There are many more creative blogs out there but these are just a few that I follow. You are each creative in your own way. You also bless me in your own way. Thank you!!




Michelle (She Looketh Well) said...

Gloria, thank you so much! What a blessing to find this on my computer after a rough day! You are so sweet!

BTW,you probably were less than a mile from my house when you were in Michigan! Can you believe that? I think bloggers should announce when they are taking a trip,you never know?! Wouldn't that have been cool?

Thank you again!

Chris Tomlin's How great is our God is one of my favorite songs, ever!

Blessings to you!


The Cole Family said...


Thank you so much for that. I don't feel very creative! I don't have much inspiration for blogging right now. Winter is just blah, you know? I am glad you had a nice trip. How nice to have family to go visit. Is the laundry all done? :)


Gloria said...

Your welcome! I can't believe I was so close to you and didn't get to meet you! Sorry, I should have posted about it. But amidst all the packing and Mama duties I just didn't have time! Maybe next year we can connect. Although you are always welcome to visit us in GA!

Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond. It took awhile to get my feet on the ground. And I have not been feeling very well since we got home.
And no, the laundry is not done. I will just do the best I can. The children are a great help.
Maybe we can have a chat, long distance, with a cup of tea to get over the winter blahs...